The just ended University games (missions Dschang)

Written by on May 22, 2019

The games began on Saturday the 4th of May with the arrival of our various visiting forums.

This event had representatives from our various campus branches (ACF Buea, Ngaoundere, Dschang, Bambili,  and Yaounde 1). The presence of some National office member was noticed.

AFECAM Missions Dschang, 2019

AFECAM Missions Dschang, 2019

After the launch of this event, the AFECAM Missions team was graced with the presence of the National president for the Encounter retreat (May 5th, 2019). This 10 hours program was an empowerment for the missions team as a whole and as well as for every individual.   This Encounter taught participants on “Living holy lives, qualities of a spiritual father, and proofs  that the bible is complete with 66 books”, (Eph 4:21-26, Rom 8.)

AFECAM Missions Dschang, 2019

AFECAM Missions Dschang, 2019

The entire missions team then focused on Campus evangelism every day for a minimum of 4hours. They later on gathered in the forum by evening to discuss strategies, challenges on the harvest field. These evening sessions were accompanied by strategic dancing, singing and theater plays.

AFECAM Missions Dschang, 2019

AFECAM Missions Dschang, 2019

Missions Dschang succeeded to spread the Gospel of Jesus to more 136 souls

Team members from various universities departed to their campuses on the 11th of May after a galla organized by the host branch, ACF Dschang forum.

AFECAM Missions Dschang, 2019

AFECAM Missions Dschang, 2019

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  1. Gregoire Ware   On   May 23, 2019 at 7:30 am

    Congratulations to all the participants and supporters. God bless AFECAM for its missionary dynamism.

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